Hazard Level


Tip: You may drag the pin to change the location.

Hazard Levels In Your Area


  • If you want an independent assessment of flood, landslide, or storm surge, then click on the tabs above.
  • Assessment is for a point location. Please refer to map for visual evaluation.
  • Hazards included in map database are:

    1. 1) 100-year rain return for floods;
    2. 2) Shallow and structurally-controlled landslides;
    3. 3) 5-meters for storm surges.
    4. For more information, please go to the NOAH Studio.

    These hazard levels are based on flood simulations as well as satellite and historical data.

    Click here for the methods used.

    Disclaimer: Project NOAH is still in beta release. There are ongoing developments to stabilize the platform and to complete the hazard maps. The UP System, UP Resilience Institute, and UP NOAH Center will not be liable for any damages and losses of any party as a result of using this beta website, its contents, and functionalities.